Letter From Executive – May 9, 2020

Dear Parishioners/Friends.



We hope that you are keeping well during this new and difficult time. We pray that your health and the health of your family members, have been protected by following guidelines given to us by our Health Organizations.


We look forward to directives from the government to allow services at St. Anne’s. We will send out information as soon as we are given permission to reconvene. 


Even though we have not been physically attending church during this time, our bills for church maintenance have continued to accumulate. While these are difficult times financially for some, we would appreciate any donation that you are able to make. We ask that you mail your cheque donation to St. Anne’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 525 Morrish Rd., West Hill ON, M1C 1G2 attn. Vera Bauer.


Thanking you kindly, in advance, for your donations!