Services Suspended Due To COVID * Служби призупинено через COVID

January 2022
Due to rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation, in-person Church Services are, unfortunately, suspended until further notice. As soon as we see an opportunity to resume the services, we will post the respective announcement on the web site.
Січень 2022
У зв’язку з швидким розвитком ситуації з COVID-19, особисті церковні служби, на жаль, призупинені до подальшого повідомлення. Як тільки ми побачимо можливість відновити служби, ми опублікуємо відповідне оголошення на веб-сайті.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner.

Господи Ісусе Христе, Сину Божий, помилуй мене грішного.

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Saint Anne

525 Morrish Rd. Toronto (Scarborough), ON M1C 1G2 Parish Office: (416) 284-9642

Find Your Way Here

From Highway 401, take Exit 389, Meadowvale Road, heading south (signs for Meadowvale Road South). Take the third right onto Ellesmere Road. Travel 850 metres and take the third right onto Morrish Road. The church will be on the right. Parking is available on church property. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Anne benefits from its close proximity to the University of Toronto, Scarborough campus. Two TTC bus routes run frequently to stops right outside our parish doors: one en route from York Mills Station to Victoria Park; another traveling from Kennedy Station to Staines Road — servicing all points in between. 116 Morningside

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