Services Schedule • Розклад богослужень
Livestream Services during COVID-19 • Служби через Інтернет під час COVID-19:
With the Blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Yurij, clergy led Divine Liturgies will be served throughout our Eparchies over the course of the next week throughout Holy Week and on Pascha.
There will be one service from each Eparchy showcased on the UOCC website. We will be doing our best to update the Eparchial Schedules and services as the information is made available.
(Video links will be added to the website, but some may not appear until the livestreams are activated. If nothing is appearing on the website for you, please refresh the page)
To see schedules for all Eparchies, please click here.
Regular Services
Unless otherwise noted, Divine Liturgy begins at 10:00am on Sundays and 9:30am on other days of the week (at Feast Days). Those wishing to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Confession and Communion are asked to arrive earlier to permit Father to properly prepare for the service.
Printable Schedules • Розклади для друку
Psalm 33
Come unto Him and be enlightened, and your faces shall not be ashamed.
This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his tribulations.
The angel of the Lord will encamp round about them that fear Him, and will deliver them.
O taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that hopes in Him.
Псалом 33
Приступіть до Нього і просвітіться, і лиця ваші не осоромляться.
Ось убогий благав, і Господь почув його, і від усіх скорбот спас його.
Ангел Господній охороняє тих, що бояться Його і визволяє їх.
Споживіть і побачите, що благий Господь. Блажен муж, що уповає на Нього.
The Holy Mysteries of Repentance and Communion • Святих Таїнств Покаяння (Сповідь) і Причастя
Orthodox Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ may receive the Holy Mysteries of Confession and Communion at the appointed church services, following the prescribed period of fasting and preparation.
All are welcome to worship and to pray for the health and salvation of the servants of God yet living; and for the salvation of those family and friends who are counted among the departed servants of God. Those who wish, can take advantage of an online pdf form entitled “For Health and for Salvation” to help them prepare their supplication lists.